NCCHS/NMSA Parents - Lets Chat on April 26, 2021 @ 5:00 pm
Padres de NCCHS/NMSA - Charlemos el 26 de abril de 2021 a las 5:00 pm

D187 Together From the Start

Parents, we want to hear your thoughts...

About Our Strategic Plan
In launching the strategic planning process during the 2017-18 school year, North Chicago Community Unit
School District 187 leaders articulated foundational goals for the process and the resulting strategic plan:
1. The strategic plan should be grounded in research and best practice about what works in schools.
2. The strategic planning process should be inclusive of stakeholder input.
3. The strategic plan should be considered as a dynamic document, with regular updates and revisions
reflecting the district’s ongoing work and needs.
4. The strategic plan should be the foundation of the district’s improvement efforts and not simply an
exercise in planning.
These goals were enacted throughout the process, culminating in a strong strategic plan to carry the work of
the district forward in an aligned and cohesive manner.